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Tips for a new mom entrepreneur!

Have you started your home business?  Are you enjoying being the CEO of your company?  Well, I would like to just say congrats to you for accomplishing your dreams and goals.  Now, you can be home with your children and not have to worry about a 9 to 5 job anymore.  I know you are probably thinking what have I gotten myself into here.  This is a lot more work than I had in mind.  No need to fear, I'm here to share with you a few tips that I try to incorporate into my home based business to keep me from going bald!!!!

1) Learn to say NO!  When you are a first time or even new mom entrepreneur, there will be people or even close family members who will not take you or your business serious.  They will still require you to do all of the things that you use to do, while in the corporate world.  You will really have to become tough and say No.  It's o.k. to value your time and your work because if you don't value what you do, how do you expect someone else to.  One of the things, I do on a regular basis is keep a to do list on hand.  When I complete a task, I cross it off and put a star by it.  This really helps me to feel like I've accomplished something for that particular day.

2) Delegate your work load around the house. What I mean by this is if you have a spouse, children or parents around.  Ask them to help you with giving certain people a chore to complete.  Now, I know for myself, I often times bribe my babies (5 and 3 years old) to help keep their room clean. By doing so, I either treat them to the red box for one of the latest kids movies, or take them to the playground at McDonalds. Be creative when it comes to your kids. It all depends on the age bracket.  Now, with my husband, sometimes, I ask him to do a couple of loads of cloth to help keep them down to a load or two.  Most of the time, if he's at home, like the weekend, he will keep the kids down stairs or take them for a ride, so I can focus on my reading or getting things ready for the upcoming week.  I don't work per say with my business but, catching up on blogging and making videos.

3) Surround yourself with a positive network or group of people.  When you are starting a new business or just adding new ideas to your existing business, it's almost a must have to stay positive and have your closest circle of friends and family members be positive as well.  You can join various groups on facebook, or other ning social networking groups. When you are looking for groups to join, try searching groups within your niche or targeted marketed.  I can tell you from experience that when you surround yourself with like minded people, you will be amazed at all the great resources and knowledge that you will gain.  I mean I have been a member of CEOMamma since October of 2010 and by now my head should be biggest as an elephant from all the great knowledge and resources that I have obtained..  I would suggest joining some of these groups mentioned above to fellowship and share your experiences. You never know, someone just might have the answer to a question that you just can't seem to find an answer to.

4) Take care of your health! Yes, I said it.  See as mothers we always tend to get caught up in taking care of everyone and everybody else, that we tend to forget about self.  Well, I'm here to tell you that a hard head makes a very soft behind (my mama use to say).  Your body needs rest, and plenty of it.  If you have infants in the house, it is detrimental that you get as much rest as possible because you WILL most definitely need it.  Get your regular pap smears, visit your doctors on a regular basis.  Most importantly, eat a balanced meal daily and drink plenty of water.  Now, I'm guilty of this, I sometimes have forgotten to drink water, not because I don't like it, but because I have started my day off getting everything on my to do list done, and taking care of everyone else and have not even looked at a bottle water. I'm working on this. I now keep a bottle water by my bed and on my desk in my office.

5) Make room for emergencies!  What I mean by this is always be flexible.  Leave room for the oh so sweet surprises or emergencies.  For example, last week, my son had a horrible nose bleed and he had to picked up from school and rushed to the emergency room.  When I tell you, I had to keep my cool, and try to look like I was calm for my babies sake.  He was all panicky and scared, so like any mother would do when something is wrong with their little people, be brave and show no fear.  Believe it or not, kids can sense when something is not right.  But, thankfully, everything is fine and my little Ishmael is back to his normal big self.  Speaking of that, we just played with the bubbles. "who can blow the biggest bubbles". Now, that's the joy of being your own boss and not having to explain yourself or give an explanation for your reasons for having to leave work to attend to an ill child.

I do hope these tips will allow you to take a deep breath and to help you have a smoother journey on your way to the Donald Trump Level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to hear from you, let me know your concerns and struggles.  If this has helped you in any way, feel free to tweet this and share it on facebook.  Until next time, God Bless.

Best Wishes,
LaTersa Blakely

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