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Ten Tips to making your life better!

Have you ever asked yourself, where did the time go?  There is just not enough hours in the day. Does any of this sounds familiar.  Well, today is your luck day because I want to share some tips that will get you going in the right direction.  Some of you are probably saying, with my life things are so crazy and I barely have enough time to cook dinner or do laundry.

Tip#1, Start each morning with a devotion.  I mean whatever it is that you like to read for positive outlooks, the bible, or any inspirational books or quotes.  When you read something inspirational or uplifting, it tends to spiral down into your bones and soul of happiness.

Tip#2, Take a shower.  To me, this is my heaven; my sanctuary when I can meditate and say my prayers while i'm showering.  I sometimes sing or just talk to God about how thankful I am of all my many blessings.

Tip#3, Make a To Do List.  Its nothing like having a list of things you plan to accomplish for that particular day.  I would suggest you make the list the night before. Because, trust me, sometimes unexpected things can happen and you might have to take a detour, but thats quite alright.

Tip# 4, Smile, Smile, Smile and Smile.  It does not cost you anything to smile.  Actually it does give your jaw bones a little workout.  As my late grandmother use to always say: "Smile and the world will smile with you, but if you frown, then likewise, the world will frown with you.  Which would you rather do smile or frown?

Tip#5, Get organized; As for we mothers, we have to wear various hats and sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming, but it will help when you have some form of organization in your house, work, or anywhere that needs it.  The worst thing that you can do is leave things the way they are.  Always look for ways to make your life a little less complicated.

Tip#6, Have a Thankful attitude.  When you have a thankful attitude, you can make lemonade out of lemons.  In other words, when you have a thankful attitude, you are most likely to be at a peaceful state of mind.  You can think clearing and make better decisions when your attitude is right.

Tip#7, Have a Positive attitude.  Its nothing like being around someone who is always, always negative.  It make your day a whole lot worse.  If you hang around negativity sooner or later, it becomes contagious.  But when you have a positive attitude, you tend to always look for the good in yourself and in others.  Being positive is healthy to your soul and well being.  It makes your bones so much healthier by being positive and thinking positive.

Tip#8, Pray.  When you can have a relationship with your heavenly father, this alone will make your life so much meaningful.  I mean, when you have God in your life, he helps you to make better and wiser decisions.  Whatever you are trying to accomplish in life, just remember that there is nothing impossible with God when you believe.

Tip#9, Do not hold grudges.  Learn to forgive and let go.  This can save us a lot of heart aches and drama, with this tip alone.  Do you know that when you hold a grudge towards someone else, you actually are giving and throwing away your power. Now ask yourself, is that being responsible.  Also, you tend to make yourself sick by being negative.  Forgiveness is not for the other person, its actually JUST for you to be free from past hurts and mistakes.  Let Go and move on with your life.

Tip#10, Help someone on purpose.  What does it gain for you to have all of your information and solutions and not share it with someone else.  Thats what life is all about allowing God to help  you so that you can be a blessing to someone else.

I really hope and pray that these tips on simplifying your life will get you started on the right path to a better life.

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Oral-B blogging contest, making me eligible to get full-sized Oral-B Glide products and a $30 “I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Oral-B blogging contest, making me eligible to get full-sized Oral-B Glide products and a $30 Target gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

1 comment:

  1. These were really good tips, stuff I knew but, it's nice to be reminded of these important things to do. Have you Blog Hop yet? Try one http://justinenupp.blogspot.com/2010/11/blog-hop.html
